I wanted to share the nightstand/mini-dresser redo I did for my son's room!
We recently switched the kids' rooms around and it's taking me a while to get everything straightened up, sorted out & looking the way I want it. Takes time...and money!
When we moved here the 2 older kids were sharing a room & Addie had a baby nursery to herself. Now I've moved the girls together & my son has a room to himself (which he loves!).
So I found this little dresser at an estate sale last month & thought it'd make a great nightstand...but with a different color of course!
So here's the before & after...
I used my favorite red spray paint for this job.
Because there was a crappy paint job and some lumps & bumps on it I did a light sanding on the top, sides & drawers.
I wasn't looking to make everything smooth, I actually like the chipped look of worn wood :)
And here it is in my son's room...
(Quilt & sheets are from Target purchase a few years back)
By the way, my hubby bought me that stuffed animal at FAO Schwartz in Vegas over 12 yrs ago when we were newly dating :)
And that blue collar (with the tags still on it)...that was from my sweet Schuby.
I found some baseball drawer knobs at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off. I think I paid 2 bucks a piece for them.
I found that globe at a yard sale for a buck. I need to redo a lamp to go on that nightstand but for now the globe works just fine :)
Now I just need to find an easy way to move this wall mural to the girls' room...
So NOT looking forward to that. I may just tear it down & not even try & move it. I got this wall vinyl from zulily before Addie was born and it was the biggest pain in the butt to put up. It was awful. I followed the directions (and I've done this stuff before) but I have to say it was crap. It was the only purchase I've regretted from that site (I've always been happy with that site but whatever company made this thing was crap).
So that's my next project! And finishing the painting in the girls' room. Walls are done but I still have the ceiling, and wall art, etc etc etc...